Gallery "Ekaterina"
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- Hits: 67762
Our gallery contains original paintings and art prints presented in different categories. Each piece is made with quality materials that will keep the color and type of your picture for many years.
Some paintings are only available as art prints – we offer three sizes of art prints. By a special request we can also make custom sizes.
Do not hesitate: contact us for advice - frames, size of print, and most convenient way for you to supply.
"Catherine Eneva has been creating her distinctively remarkable color paintings since the early 90s. Through her artist's eyes the World is full of optimism, vitality and enthusiasm for life!"
A picture: just a spot of color on the wall or something more!?
In the 21st century, more and more people express their thoughts in pictures. The subconsciousness of the human being creates paintings. Everyone of us is an artist himself, surrounding himself with pictures of life in his or her mind.
Things that happen to us, creating positive or negative emotions, relaxation or tension ...
Pictures that we like and place in our home, office or elsewhere, they tune our spirit and our minds. What we're looking at creates an atmosphere not only around us but also within us! A nice picture, filled with real content and humor always helps. Positive attitude makes it easier to overcome the difficulties of life which contributes to feeling satisfied with life!